
FarmVue app launched by Cropper Foundation

On Wednesday February 9, 2022 we were happy to be part of the launch and demo of the FarmVue app.

On Wednesday February 9, 2022 we were happy to be part of the launch and demo of the FarmVue app, a new mobile application that helps farmers improve record keeping on their farms. The webinar included remarks from the Minister of Agriculture, and presentations from various stakeholders, including Devindra Ramnarine, Senior ICT Advisor of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, who emphasised the impact of partnerships and mobile apps in the national Digital Agenda. He also spoke of the coming “Connected Arima” initiatives which will integrate a number of open-sourced projects and other applications to create TT’s pilot “Connected Community.”

This digital solution can improve the lives of farmers, and how it can work with other solutions to improve the national agricultural sector. The app was developed by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture Delegation to Trinidad and Tobago (IICA), The Cropper Foundation and NAMDEVCO.

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